The XAFS/XRF beamline scientist at SESAME visiting INFN
The INFN detector group supervised by Andrea Vacchi and based in the “AREA Science Park” in Trieste, Italy is developing, with close collaboration with Elettra and SESAME, a silicon detector for X-ray Fluorescence detection to be used at XAFS/XRF beamline at SESAME and also at XAFS beamline at Elettra. The detector is in its final phase of construction and thus a meeting on site to discuss and test the detector hardware and software was the best way to go further in the construction and to put the final touch to it. Thanks to the Open SESAME project, under the work package 2, the visit of the XAFS/XRF beamline at SESAME (Dr. Messaoud Harfouche) to INFN was made possible. For a period of 4 days the visit was very fruitful and could benefit for all the partners (SESAME, INFN and Elettra). During this visit the characteristics of the detector were discussed as well as the current status of the detector. Moreover, plan for delivery time and to test the performances of the electronics was set. At the end of the visit, a training day on the use of the data acquisition software of the detector was planned and successfully organized.
Picture of the team while testing the electronics and detector capabilities.
From left to right:
Giuanluigi Zampa (INFN); Jernej Bufon (INFN); Luca Olivi (Elettra)
and Messaoud Harfouche (SESAME).
Picture credit: Andrea Vacchi, detector project manager